Step 1: Select the problem that best matches your situation.
Attitudes & Motivation
I find it difficult to get to class on time.
I let videogames and the Internet distract me from getting my work done.
Critical Thinking & Applying Knowledge
I have trouble remembering words, lists, concepts, and problem solving strategies.
I have trouble reading my textbooks, as they seem too dense or technical.
Time Management & Productivity
I’m having trouble balancing my meals and receiving the nutrition I need.
I find myself putting off tasks I know I should do.
I don’t know how to create a good weekly schedule or use a planner wisely.
Group Skills & Dynamics
I don’t know how to create and work with an effective study group.
I have trouble working with assigned groups for class projects.
Prerequisite Knowledge & Preparedness
Schedule a Consultation
Schedule a 30 minute virtual consultation with our professional staff to help get you connected to the appropriate resource or resources.